My Synchronicity Story That Still Gives Me Chills

I believe a spiritual connection is real and it happened to me.

Reflecting on my time in tech school in 2004 and the incredible twist of fate that brought two guys from the same hometown together at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas by complete chance. When I was navigating the challenges of a six-month course, and feeling lost, I crossed paths with Gonzo. Breaking curfew that night, we engaged in a deep conversation, missing the deadline.

Here’s what happened: As we were about to part ways, I noticed his forearm tattoo with musical notes in my high school colors. After some back and forth the realization hit me – we were both from Waldorf, a small hometown far from Texas. The odds of two Airmen meeting in the same dorm, at the same time, from the same place, was already a rare coincidence, but it goes deeper than that.

Here’s where it gets truly extraordinary – that tattoo, those colors, they were a connection to Taryn, the first person I lost in my life. Spiritually, I believe Taryn, brought us together through love and the shared experience of her memory when I needed connection more than ever before. The peace, joy, and comfort I felt in that moment of realization is indescribable.

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