Jan. 5, 2022

Let’s talk about growth!

Let’s talk about growth!
I was honored to be invited to the Facebook page let’s talk about growth to have a discussion on why I started my podcast and other great questions! This was a live event and now a special bonus episode for HeroFront. I hope you a great holiday! My Book recommendations: The Soldier's Guide to PTSD: How to No-Shit Reclaim Your Life by Virginia Cruse Love is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald Jampolsky The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman Why Not Me by Todd Simmons The Paperback Mentor by Robert Rogers Talking With Strangers by malcom gladwell Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday Addicted to Perfect by Vitale Buford Firestarters by Sha Sparks Extracting the Leader Within by David Satchell And anything by Bob Vásquez